Brilliant Sunshine

It's just me, thinking out loud

Virtual Boy friend


Grand Hyatt Bali- Indonesia June 2015

You are my boy friend, not boyfriend but a friend who happens to be a boy. They were asking me if there is something more than friendship or at least an indication, I always say “no” while dropping hints here and there how some actions of yours may be interpreted as such.

There is nothing special how we first met but the circumstances surrounding how we really got to know each other was kind of unusual… like how we almost died together. Our friendship was far different from hanging out after office or during weekends. The times we spent together were either over some social media ’cause we are at least 1,002 nautical miles apart or super together in one place that we only part ways when it’s time to sleep. I thought once one of us leaves the set up that we used to be part of or when time comes that you’ll be back to your “normal habitat” our friendship will be over.  I was wrong, despite of being 8,298 nautical miles apart, not to mention the minimum 12-hour time difference our friendship continued.

Even if we are apart, I can feel how you care for me, how you are still trying to look out for me, you still encourage me, you are still my friend. I miss the days we spend pigging out, blaming each other that we gain weight when we are together. I miss how you rant when something or someone annoys you, your facial expressions and gestures. I miss how you evaluate the hotels and compare them with all the ones you have been to. I miss how crazy you are with massages. I miss how you are amazed with things “Asian”. I miss how you complain when I ask you to take pictures of me. I miss spending time with you outside social media.

While our friendship still continues, things has changed now. You have someone to really talk to now, open up about things, someone to take care of. I am not jealous, I am genuinely happy for you that after a while you were finally able to find someone. At one point, I wondered if I like you more than a friend or if I am falling but I guess the answer is no, no denials whatsoever but I must admit that for some time I didn’t notice that I don’t have a special someone because you really showed you cared for me and to this day it amazes me how we get along so well despite growing up from the opposite sides of the world.

I know you are not saying goodbye neither am I but I guess this is my way of telling myself to get used to the new dynamic of things like I won’t be the first one you are going to ask to go with you to the beach, so my opinion is not needed anymore on which hotel to choose or which shirt goes well with the tie or vice versa or even something as trivial as popcorn or cup noodles for a midnight snack. I will miss the things that we do for each other, how you bother me but then again, I am happy for you. I will miss you.

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Quarter Life Crisis

The Quarter-Life Crisis
by unknown

It is when you stop going along with the crowd and start
realizing that there are a lot of things about yourself that you didn’t know and
may or may not like. You start feeling insecure and wonder where you will be in
a year or two, but then get scared because you barely know where you are now.

“I’m lost, I’m in panic mode. While it’s true that I am who I want to be ten years ago, it is also true that I am in serious panic mode right now because I don’t know how to make progress from where I am standing. Maybe because I’m not sure if this is the kind of life that I really want, for the first time I asked myself why I chose this.”

You start realizing that people are selfish and that, maybe,
those friends that you thought you were so close to aren’t exactly the greatest
people you have ever met and the people you have lost touch with are some of the
most important ones. What you do not realize is that they are realizing that too
and are not really cold or catty or mean or insincere, but that they are as
confused as you.

“I’m seriously beginning to doubt the goodness of other people, it feels like always fighting for survival regardless of who you step at. I am beginning to question the sincerity of those so-called friends, do they really want to be with me? or they are just being nosy? are they just using me? or they really enjoy my company? After meeting various types of people, after enocountering failed relationships, I guess at this age, one can’t help but question the sincerity of those surrounding us.”

You look at your job. It is not even close to what you thought
you would be doing or maybe you are looking for one and realizing that you are
going to have to start at the bottom and are scared.

“Yes, my present job is not exactly giving me self fulfillment, it feels like being underemployed sometimes, I can’t fullly grasped how the entire thing works ’cause my boss is not the teaching type when it comes to me. Yes, just me ’cause she’s very much helpful with the others, could it be that since I’m next to her, she doesn’t want to be outshone? not so sure with that one just making some logical guess.” 

You miss the comforts of college, of groups, of socializing
with the same people on a constant basis. But then you realize that maybe they
weren’t so great after all.

“I do miss the comforts of being in the university, all you have to worry is the next major exam, after that, that’s it. Way back then, I wanted to double time so I can graduate and experience the real world but now that I am living it, I want to go back to those days, when life was still simple.”

You are beginning to understand yourself and what you want and
do not want. Your opinions have gotten stronger. You see what others are doing
and find yourself judging a bit more than usual because suddenly you realize
that you have certain boundaries in your life and add things to your list of
what is acceptable and what is not. You are insecure and then secure. You laugh
and cry with the greatest force of your life. You feel alone and scared and
confused. Suddenly change is the enemy and you try and cling on to the past with
dear life but soon realize that the past is drifting further and further away
and there is nothing to do but stay where you are or move forward.

“Recently, I often find myself analyzing my own behaviors, my own way of thinking, how I have come to have a certain point of view. I can’t help but go back to the past, to what Ihad to go through that has led me to being who I am today. ‘Though it might have led me to understanding and knowing myself more, it has also given me some strange feelings towards the past that has been done.” 

You get your heart broken and wonder how someone you loved
could do such damage to you or you lay in bed and wonder why you can’t meet
anyone decent enough to get to know better. You love someone but maybe love
someone else too and cannot figure out why you are doing this because you are
not a bad person.

“Why can’t I meet someone decent enough to get to know better? Hmmm…maybe I met someone decent enough recently but unfortunately, it just won’t work due to circumstances beyond our control or maybe within our control but we’re not strong enough to take on the challenge. But why? How many more what ifs? How many more could have beens? How many almost but not quite scenarios do I have to go through? I know I may not be the holy one but I’m also sure that I’m not as bad as a person, is this karma? Or it’s just that he hasn’t arrived yet?”

One night stands and random hook ups start to look cheap and
getting wasted and acting like an idiot starts to look pathetic. You go through
the same emotions and questions over and over and talk with your friends about
the same topics because you cannot seem to make a decision.

“Was never a fan of random hookups and one night stands but me and my friends do talk about a specific topic in every get together, that is, broken hearts, but ’til now no one has come up of the solution how it heals.”

You worry about loans and money and the future and making a
life for yourself and while wining the race would be great, right now you’d just
like to be a contender!

“I’m living a comfortable life, I can go shopping, dine out on expensive resaurants once in a while, take trips abroad, but it still feels not enough. Don;t get me wrong, I’m thankful for what I have it’s just that I can’t help but be greedy and want more. I’m now thinking of investments, bothered by inflation rates, interested with potential businesses and the lure of earning dollars is becoming increasingly attractive each day, simpy put, I want more.”

What you may not realize is that everyone reading this relates
to it. We are in our best of times and our worst of times, trying as hard as we
can to figure this whole thing out.

“Guess it’s official, I am experiencing Quarter Life Crisis.”

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Crazy Little Thing called LOVE

“Every one of us has someone who is hidden in the bottom of our heart. And when we think of that person, we feel like there’s always a little pain inside. But we still want to keep that person. Even though I don’t know where he is today, what he is doing, I know that he is the one who taught me this. A crazy little thing called LOVE.”
Crazy Little Thing Called Love

Crazy Little Thing Called Love, First Love, A Little Thing Called Love are the english translataions of this Thai movie. I’ve never watched any Thai movie before, this is my first and I was surprised that aside from the observation that Filipinos and Thais has similar physical features (I was often mistaken as Thai when I went to Korea), the culture is quite similar as well. Like their concept of being beautiful, you have to be fair to be considered as one, something that I really don’t agree with, not because I’m brown skinned, I just don’t judge beauty based on skin color, beauty queens are not all fair skinned. Aside from the concept of beauty, high school life as portrayed in the movie is almost similar to how it is here in the Philippines. Unlike the western culture, high school life’s major issue is friendship and love life, not so much about drugs and sex ‘though the concern for these things is alsro rising these days. I guess this is part of the reason why I liked the movie but apart from this, it is mainly because “It is everbody’s story”. Once upon a time, whether way back in high school or not we had a crush, got infatuated, tricked by our raging hormones, fell in love and we all wish that such feelings will be reciprocated, we all prayed hard to also be liked or loved by that someone and do everything within our power to make it possible.

Nam was a wall flower who had a crush on Shone, the cutest guy in the campus but unlike most stories the guy isn’t a jackass, he was a typical cute boy next door type. Nam wanted to be noticed so she followed the 9 ways from different countries on how to win one’s love as stated in the book that her friends bought. But aside from that, she also improved herself by becoming more beautiful with the help of her supportive friends. She also studied hard to get the top spot in class, it’s hitting two birds in one stone for her in this case ’cause aside from getting Shone’s attention, she also did it to be with her father who promised his daughters that if they get the top spot in class, they can live with him in the States. To make the story realistic there are antagonists, like the pretty mean girl who always acts that she can’t walk so that the guy he likes will bring her home, how not so pretty girls don’t get to join the hip school clubs, it was also shown how good looking kids are popular and how the not so good looking ones were looked down on and of course, how things changed when the ugly duckling became a swan princess. I must admit that I cannot relate with Nam, my high school wasn’t like hers, that’s another story to tell, but despite of that, the scenes really made me reminisce my high school days and the people whom I shared it with. Nam was so lucky to have very good friends and ‘though at one point she neglected them, they still accepted her when she came back to her senses and all four of them were still together even after high school ended.  Apart from making me reminisce, just like most of us who watched the film, the part I love the most is the romance part. I must admit that I don’t like the idea of changing yourself so that the one you like will like you back but the movie is about teenage love and I guess it’s safe to say that at one point we all did it. After all, we were once young and stupid. In this case, Nam really became a better person so even if her motivation was a bit shallow something really good came out of it, so I guess it’s ok, it’s not like she cut classes just to watch her crush while training basketball. As for the love triangle, it reminded me of a somewhat same scenario in high school, the one who likes me is the friend of the guy whom I like 😦 but we were never like Nam and Shone’s best friend, it’s a confusing situation, Nam wants Shone to feel that it’s him that she likes but she can’t ’cause it might ’cause a rift between Shone and his best friend. As for Shone, he was “silent ruled” he cannot confess his love ’cause his best friend got ahead of him in proclaiming that he likes Nam, so he had to live each day wishing it’s him that she is with. But this is not the heartbreaking part, I cried a pool of tears when Nam confessed to Shone, can you just imagine how it hurts to wait for three long years only to find out that you’re a week late? Baifern’s acting was really good, she was able to act out so well how hurt Nam’s feelings were, even when she fell on the pool, some might have laughed at it but I was so convinced at how lost she felt that time. I continued to cry when it was revealed that Shone really liked her, specially when the scrap book was shown, taking her pictures without her knowing was really sweet much more compiling them plus growing a rose for her, the joys of young love but it was too late for them at that point. Not until, we were taken 9 years after…of course you know how movies like this ends 😉

I won’t go with the movie technicals, I’m after the story and despite it’s simplicity it was so true, it is indeed everybody’s story. I just hope we won’t wait ’til it’s too late.


Answered Prayer?!

For my 25th birthday, I’ve finally admitted to myself and to God that I don’t want to be alone, that I want someone to spend the rest of my life with. My prayer was simple, dear Lord please give me someone whom I can spend the rest of my life with, that’s it, no specific adjectives just a plain simple prayer for I believe that God will give us that one person that we need not the one that we want. Then, out of the blue someone came, at first I thought it was just nothing, maybe he was just being nice, just plain pure friendship. But  no, it was more than that, it feels like somewhere in the middle of an ordinary life, there’s a fairy tale. He appreciates me for who I am and surprisingly he was able to see that side of me which I kept on hiding from the others, he discovered the real me, he found me. He may not be the typical guy that girls would die for but I must admit that he got me. He’s not so sweet, not the best foot forward type but he’s genuine, he speaks what’s on his mind and is very true to himself. He doesn’t hide his flaws nor his boring past. At first, I thought he was someone who doesn’t know how to care for others for as long as he doesn’t do them any harm but I was wrong, he cares, he has a good heart. So I begin asking myself and God if he’s the one, he came at the right timing, just as when I admitted that I need someone to share my life with and even without telling God all those adjectives, he qualified, I guess… He can make me listen, he doesn’t bore me, he knows how to make me feel special, he inspires me, he’s not dominating but he can handle me, he seems just right but there is one thing wrong, he’s from a different country and we’re not so sure if we can handle the complications of a long distance relationship, so we ended up agreeing not to commit on anything yet. He left a few days ago, went back home then went somewhere else again for another assignment, he’s keeping in touch but we don;t know when are we going to see each other again… I know he’s got a lot of work to do and I also need to continue doing my thing but if there’s a will there’s a way, I don’t think we should leave everything to destiny. So when are we going to see each other again??? Only God knows I think, but Dear God is he an answered prayer?

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Same Old Story

Sometimes it feels like God is not answering our prayers but the truth is, we just don’t get the answer that we expect or maybe the answer that we want. This has happened before…a long, long time ago, it’s the same old story only on a different costume.

He didn’t make an impression the first time she saw him, apart from the name and the face she doesn’t know anything about him. By some twist of fate, they met again and before they know it became friends. It really was a surprise that even if he appears to be boring for her, he’s actually not, they share quite the same interest, quite the same views, quite the same sentiments and soon enough they are comfortable in each others company. But apart from the obviously blossoming friendship, there are quite a few things that she can’t understand or it could also be she’s analyzing too much that leads her to confusion. He compliments her, when she says her arms are too big, he says it’s perfect, when she doesn’t feel comfortable with how she looks, he tells her that she looks great with a “wow”, when she says she looks like a “bruha”, he says it’s next to impossible. This is not the first time for her to receive compliments but this is the first time that it was from the same guy and in the most unexpected moments. She knows how opinionated he is but she also knows that he’s not that generous in giving praises much more to sugarcoat. She’s happy despite the fact that such compliments causes her to think that it could be some mixed signals of something more. He looks at her in a different way that everybody notices, he wants to be around her often, she doesn’t want to assume anything ’cause it has happened before. ‘Til one day, he asked her out, even if she wants to stop analyzing, she couldn’t help it. He never said a thing, why he treats her differently even to the point of asking her out. He describes her as if she’s the most beautiful girl he has ever known, as if he was bewitched by her beauty. She couldn’t help but wonder why, what’s behind all these? People around them can’t help but notice, so they asked but he keeps on saying “no, there aren’t any feelings”. She doesn’t know how to feel, how to react whenever she hears him say these things. It’s been a long time since she went out, it’s been a long time since someone showed they care, it’s been a long time since she heard something sweet from someone. Her life was lonely, while others are complaining about being with a guy or breaking up with a guy since their teenage years that they don’t even have a chance to deal with their own self, she’s always been dealing with herself for so long. She admits that she’s happy with how he treats her but that doesn’t mean she’s falling for him but she’s not depriving herself of the chance. That was her problem, she was too greedy on giving chances and now that she has finally learned to be fair to herself and give other people the chance to enter her life, it seems that she’s travelling the same road once again. Once upon a time, she met someone who treats her special, she fell for that someone and ended up with a broken heart. With the same signs and even more concrete and evident actions that there could be something more than friendship, she’s travelling the road once again but she believes she is wiser now, to guard herself from falling into the trap. She doesn’t know where he wants to take things or if he wants to, so she reminds herself every now and then that sweet gestures are never assurances. She prayed that God  will send her signals, something that will stop the guessing, the over analyzing, something that could either put an end to all of these or could signal something new. She feels like God isn’t sending her what she asked, ’til one day she woke up and realized, maybe that’s it, the sign is…”there are no signs”. Maybe a part of her is hoping, that destiny is giving her another shot at love after a very long time that’s why she missed it, you can’t blame her, she’s been lonely for quite some time. But whatever it is, she may not have found the love of her life yet but he made her happy, she gained a friend and most importantly, she didn’t end up with a broken heart. It’s the same old story, boy meets girl, they become friends, he treats her in a special way (she thinks), she falls, he says it’s nothing, she ends up with a broken heart. But this time, it’s a different ending ’cause she’s wiser now.

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My Life Changing 2010

As 2010 opened it’s doors, I was full of hope and prayers despite a gloomy 2009.

January was still quite slow moving, I was about to give up and was even thinking of trying my luck on some other shores until I received two calls that gave me hope. 

February, I promised not to be the Valentine grinch I used to be, not sure if I succeeded but I’ll try again this year. What’s more interesting for this month is the development on the phone calls that I received, I wasn’t expecting but I was truly hopeful and was praying so hard.

March, my Hong Kong trip was cancelled due to some matters which are beyond my control, I’m still hoping it will push through this year. As my brother finished his journey in the university, i had to choose between the two phone calls I received. It was quite a difficult decision, I had to choose between a government financial institution and a multinational company but thank God, ’cause he guided me to where I should be, so I chose the multinational company. I finally signed up that same month. It truly was an answered prayer, a prayer I made in Caleruega on that same month when we had some road trip at the south.

I was excited for April, to begin a new life, a change from my then “boring life” and I must admit things truly got exciting. In two weeks after my first working day with my new company, the team flew to Singapore for knowledge transfers, trainings and other work stuffs.

May, I spent almost the whole month in Singapore, my new job was far different from my two previous jobs but I am loving it despite of the pressure sometimes. I also get the chance to explore Singapore, the Universal Studios, Sentosa, Esplanade, Merlion park, Chili Crab, Clarke Quay, Orchard, Ben and Jerry’s, Charles and Keith, etc. We really had fun despite the workload ’cause we made new friendships, as well. But what makes Singapore more memorable for me is that, it is here where I realized that I do not want to grow old alone.

June, the knowledge transfers continued in the Philippines, I’m beginning to appreciate more of the work that I need to do. Finally, I was able to go to Tagaytay Highlands, thanks to the presence of our SG friends.

July, we’re back to Singapore again and as if one round trip ticket is not enought, I had to cancel my personal trip to Singapore ’cause I’m already there to do the Business Planning. This trip was a lot more stressful than the first one but it’s ok ’cause we still had fun alongside, more shopping, Night Safari and the team has grown bigger now, so we’ve got new friends again.

August, so we survived the BP now we have to make sure that we can do things on our own already, the SG is back in the Philippines and this is the last. This month is still all about work just like the past months and this is the last time we’ll see our SG friends but it was also this month when we had our very first, After Office Gimmick (AOG) at Greenbelt.

September, it was quite relaxed but nothing that remarkable except for an AOG at Piazza and some dine-outs plus my addiction to “You’re Beautiful” and “Personal Taste”.

October, the SG team finally said goodbye. It was really sad, ’cause somehow a bond of friendship has been formed. Again, I booked an advance ticket to Seoul for November. It feels like I’m hanging on a cliff, I can’t afford to waste another round trip ticket. The BP updates are getting on my way.

November, my birthday month, I’m now 25. Luckily, the BP update timeline didn’t get on my way, I was able to go to the Land of Kimchi, South Korea. I truly enjoyed the place and the bonding with my former officemates. Finally, after how many months of feeling like everything is about work, I was able to experience life.

December, my busiest ever. We went to Laoag for a personal and company trip, we had to rehearse for the Christmas party, decorate the office for some activities, shop for the parties and of course the party itself plus the final updates on BP. I was so busy that I could hardly breathe. Christmas was spent at its usual way but I must admit that something’s a bit different ’cause I went out with someone the day after Christmas which was truly a first for me. Well, despite of how hectic this month was, I was happy.

Time flies, a cliche, I know but it’s true, 2010 is now just a memory and 2011 is here. “Onwards 2011” this is my alma matters banner when I entered the University way back 2002 and now I’m living 2011. I am still full of hopes and still praying for stability and success in my career, good health for my family and for the first time, love life. I  never prayed for one but I am now and I am hoping to finally have it this year.

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I love it, just the way you are

He looks at me like I’m the most beautiful girl he has ever seen, he captures my smiles whether I’m prepared or not, he compliments me every time, he reassures me and gives me the confidence. Sometimes I don’t want to believe him ’cause his words are too good to be true but he keeps on telling me that his praises are genuine, it sometimes feels like he’s singing “Just the way you are” for me. I often catch him staring at me, waiting for the perfect timing to immortalize me in pictures. He keeps on asking me things to get to know me more. I love the attention he’s giving me. I don’t know what is this. We’re friends, that’s for sure but despite of all the signs he’s not courting me. Maybe, I’m just assuming things but I must admit that I enjoy whatever it is. He’s not the one I use to imagine, he’s not as handsome as I could wish. He’s too opinionated at times, he even lacks warmth but he is kind hearted. He over analyzes things, which is quite funny ’cause I always thought that one of the reasons why I’m still single is because of the same offense, turns out there is someone more guilty than I am. I know he’s searching, but I think even if he already likes someone or might already be in love, he wouldn’t realize it, either because he’s not entertaining the thought or he’s just too clueless. That’s his downside, I think he needs someone to open up the world of vulnerability to human emotions for him. Am I ready to be that someone?

I enjoy whatever it is that exists right now but I don’t know the real score and besides we’re going to be miles apart soon but whatever it is, thanks to him for making me feel happy.

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Alone with my thoughts

Alone with my thoughts, I sit in this high chair with my back turned from the crowd. All I could see from my view were empty tables and chairs on this restaurant’s smoking area and the mall across. This is one of my solitary lunch escapades. It’s a windy summer afternoon, there’s silence. The place wasn’t really that busy, all I could hear was a couple having conversation and laughters from a bunch of office workers sitting some tables away. As for me, I am devouring a plateful of pasta in this restaurant I miss the most. I don’t know why I was craving for the taste of pasta at this place, not until I sat down and felt quite alone. I suddenly felt the urge to write down my thoughts. I remember sharing a plateful with one of my friends each time we dine here ’cause the serving is good enough for two. What I’m eating right now is a pasta paella, I remember our private joke, she eats the pasta, I eat the paella, ’cause she wasn’t really fond of eating the other ingredients that’s why this isn’t her favorite, she’d rather have baked ziti. We used to dine here in groups sharing a 4-cheese pizza, our common favorite. We usually talk about our jobs, our career prospects, love lives and our lives before we met. It was fun, we also talked about our next escapades like a movie night or an out of town trip. We talk about almost everything, happy or sad, I even remember celebrating my birthday here. But time passed by and we tried to dine at some other places. But those were years ago, we don’t see each other that much anymore. The last time we dined here was October last year. Nothing has changed just like the taste of this pasta, we’re still friends, we still hang out and go on trips together, but the frequency is not the same anymore. I’m about to finish eating my pasta, as I said, it tastes just the same but the experience of eating it alone with only my thoughts to keep me company is what makes it so different from eating it with my friends, the thing which I think I am actually missing.

Written April 6,2010, Glorietta 5, Chef ‘d angelo

This is a super delayed post that I almost forgot in my old phone. I’m posting it here today to commemorate our 4th year anniversary. It’s been four years since I started working and it’s been four years since I first met the people whom I shared beautiful friendships with.

Happy 4th Friendship Anniversary, SGV batchmates! I miss you all!

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Six months ago, I found a new job at a highly reputable company but little did I know that my gain is others lost. Two weeks after start date, we flew to Singapore for a month’s training. The training had to be done overseas ’cause the job will be transferred from Singapore to the Philippines and that means replacing the people there. I didn’t expect them to be kind and accomodating ’cause had it been me in their shoes, it would be really difficult to play nice. But I prayed, I kept the faith, I didn’t ask God to make them treat us nicely but to just be fair, ’cause it wasn’t us who asked the company to move the job here. But God is really God, the people there were all nice, accomodating even friendly. In a short span of time, i can say that we made friends with them. Aside from the countless knowledge transfer sessions, we also shared quite a few laughs and experiences. They shared with us a part of themselves as people as we also did the same. When they went here to continue with the transition, we even took them to a tour, they truly deserve no less than a warm welcome.

I'll miss you

Yesterday, they finally said goodbye to the company, they signed-off and sent us their goodbye letters that nearly made us cry. A part of me is guilty, I know that they built strong friendships in the workplace for years, it must really be hard to part ways with people whom you see everyday, who has been a part of your life for how many years already, had it been not for us they need not to say goodbye. But life goes on, for us that is to continue in maintaining and even upgrading the group’s reputation now that we are 100% responsible for it, for them to find another place where they can once agin start building their careers. I am hoping that as we all move on through life, we wouldn’t forget the happy memories, the challenges and the friendship. I am really hoping to see them again and maintain being friends with them. After all, they made my first taste of working abroad and working with different nationalities a very enjoyable experience.

To all of you, you may not read this but I am really deeply thankful. How I wish it’s possible for us to really work together. Again, thank you and the best of luck on all your future endeavors. Have a happy life 🙂

Dear Lord, thank you for giving us the chance to work with each other and get to know each other. I know that it was hard for them to leave their jobs and the people who are already like family to them but we are putting our trust in you that you’ll guide us. Help them find their new paths and help us in successfully continuing whatever they started. Thank you Lord for all the opportunities. Amen.

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When boredom strikes…

I’m bored beyond my wits today, I want to write but I can’t think of anything to write. So here I am, about to type some bits and pieces which I hope I can use in the future for any of my writings…

“It’s the intensity of the situation that brought us closer than ever despite of the very short passage of time that we spent together.”

“I look at him, then I asked myself, what is it that I see in you? that today I still couldn’t fathom the reason why I can’t forget you.”

“There is only one person I ever loved but I fell in love more than once.”

“Once someone becomes a part of your life, you can’t anymore change that, for they remain even if you don’t want them to.”

“A man is made up by the series of experiences he has to go through.”

“…It doesn’t mean that you love God any less”

“We’re okay, we’re fine, nothing can change that but we both know that, that’s it, we can’t be together for some reason we couldn’t name, yet we mutually understand.”

“They say, it’s when the mind agrees with the heart.”

“You can never be happy for as long as you’re using others lives as a yardstick. Make your own path to travel and please don’t pattern it with somebody else’s.”

“I’ve already accepted that while most people think I’ve got the best of everything, there is one thing I’ll never have, that’s you.”

“Most people stick around not because they love you for being you but rather they are after in what they can get from being associated with you.”

“The more blessed you become, the more you should be kind to others, in that way you can give back your blessings.”

“Some people’s action doesn’t coincide with what they’re actually saying.”

“I hate it when you look at me as if trying to tell me that you want me, when I know that those eyes belongs to the one who broke my heart twice.”

“I want to spend my lifetime with you, I know you’ll let me but they won’t.”

“You are in my dreams, the more I run and hide, the more I see you.”

“Most of the time, we look for sparks but more often than not we can’t find any.”

“Life is still fair, the one whom you feel the spark doesn’t feel any towards you but how about those who felt the spark towards you but you can’t feel any?”

“We’re living life each day, but why can’t we still find it’s meaning?”

“Once upon a time, we were all young and stupid.”

“Just because you didn’t turn out the way people were expecting you to be, it doesn’t mean that I’ve stopped being your friend.”

“You don’t have to shut us out and confine yourself in your bubble just because you’re sad and you think you’re miserable. Open up, unload it, it helps.”

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